And yes I mean that... despite what you may think over the next few years you are a very dear soul. Never forget that! Life is going to throw some serious curve-balls at you in the next 4 years, but I promise you that you can handle it all. It will hurt, you will feel alone, you will feel used, you will feel rejected, and you will want to leave this planet weekly, (you sometimes still do) but I can reassure you that there are so many great things to come and reasons to stick around! You just have to remember to find the positive things in life to focus on, and when you are thinking you hate everything and everyone just remember that you are never alone, depression is conquerable one day at a time. Your secret is:
Making other people happy brings you immense joy. Make 3 new people smile everyday and you will get through your depression day by day.
I know it is hard to hear that you will not be enough for some people, and I am sorry to have to tell you this, but you will lose friendships and the interest of boys simply because you are not right for them. Remember, that is okay! This doesn't mean you are not a catch, because you are! You are pretty, and funny, and sweet, and ambitious! Not everyone is going to love you. Try to not beat yourself up about this, nor close your heart off. It is important that you do not let other people's hurting you affect the potential for future relationships. There will also be people whose hearts you break and you will feel terrible, but you have to remember that not everybody is meant to be. You cannot fix people, and you cannot let people try to fix you. The beauty of life is in individuality, and not everybody is going to value everything you bring to the table...this is okay!
Right now you are finally allowed to date, how exciting is that! Don't do it. Let me reiterate that: DO NOT GIVE YOUR HEART AWAY AT SIXTEEN! Just because Mom and Kimball say it is okay for you to go out with boys now does not mean you need to or should. I know, it is so exciting... but all of your church leaders are right when they say you should only casually date and not have boyfriends. High school relationships are silly and will hurt you --scratch that even past high school you will get hurt. Actually as far as twenty year old you is concerned you don't need boys at all at this stage of your life! 25 sounds like a great time to start dating, go for that. Why rush? Work on loving yourself because, girlfriend, you are gonna need it. At the end of the day you are left with your own mind, and if your own mind is a toxic and self deprecating place you are never going to be happy. How can you make anyone else happy when you are stuck in a pit of self loathing. This is something you just learned today, the inspiration for this letter. You are worth so much, so much more than even 24 hour ago you realized. Do not settle for anything less than happiness. You have such a vibrant spirit and a loving heart. You are going to make somebody very happy someday and there is no need to rush that. Take your time, have an adventure, and learn to love you for all the amazing attributes you have! Remember, you are not a parking spot. You are not a temporary holding place for people to figure out exactly how they want you in their lives. Always be a positive influence on the lives you are lucky enough to be welcomed into. Leave everything you come into better than you found it!
Lastly, go hug Dad. Don't let go. Ever. I know you have watched him go in and out of the hospital your entire life and it has been really heart-breaking, but stand by his side through all of those times. He is your best friend at sixteen and will be until the day he leaves this Earth, and even after that. You will struggle with your depression over the next four years and you will think that you have endured the worst heartbreaks in that time and begin to close yourself off to the world around you except your best friend --Dad. Losing him, in fact, will be the worst pain you have ever felt. No matter how prepared you think you are, Amber, you will not be ready. That phone call at 8:48am on July 3rd, 2014 will bring your world crashing down. You will literally melt on the floor of your office and be forced to drive to his home hysterically, trying to see through your oceans of tears that pour from your deadened brown eyes. You will be blind sided and it will kill every fiber of genuine happiness you have in that silly little heart of yours. Now don't get me wrong, he is in a better place. We genuinely believe that, but it still is crippling.
If I could give you some advice on this, now that it has been 8 months and I can be somewhat composed. Answer every phone call from now until he is gone. Cherish every forehead kiss he gives you --you are going to miss those most. Rub his swollen feet every chance you get, even if your hands get tired. Cherish every second you spend staring at the stars together, and bask in the joy he gets from learning about the constellations. Play your violin for him as often as you can, trust me, you won't be able to bring yourself to pick it up when he is gone. He really does love to hear you play, he isn't just saying that. It will simply gather dust, and for now that is okay, until you find another muse. On that dreadful day, stop completely at the stop sign on East Stockton Blvd. The police officer is not understanding of the reason you are racing home and the ticket is expensive. In the days following remember that it is okay to be broken. You are still broken, you have just learned to hide it from everyone else. It is okay to be angry. It is okay to feel lost. It is not okay to try and leave this world. It is not okay to be selfish. Remember that you will always be his darling. Always.
You must stay strong. You will get through it.
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